Rock Mechanics Laboratory

FF GeoMechanics

FF GeoMechanics owns rock mechanics testing facilities both in Chile and Perú which are fitted with the newest technology in this field. Our European equipment are calibrated once a year and are operated by certified personnel only.

Types of Rock Mechanics Testing

Sample Preparation

1. Preparation of rock test samples from diamond drill cores (cutting, grinding and polishing).
2. Preparation of test samples from rock boulders (extraction, cutting, grinding and polishing).

Non-Destructive Test

1. Unit weight (bulk density) of rock.
2. Moisture content and porosity of rock.
3. Pulse velocity (Vp and Vs) and dynamic elastic constants.
4. Determination of elastic dynamic modulus.
5. Tilt Test.

“In-Situ” Testing

1. Dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) Test.
2. Bore-hole video endoscopic survey (up to 40 m length).
3. Bore-hole video endoscopic survey (up to 120 m length).

Destructive Test

1. Unconfined uniaxial compressive test (with and without static moduli).

2. Triaxial confined compressive test (with and without static moduli).

3. Brazilian indirect tensile strength.

4. Direct shear test.

5. Point load test.

6. Slake durability test.

Certification and Certifications

Sample Preparation

1. Preparation of rock test samples from diamond drill cores (cutting, grinding and polishing).
2. Preparation of test samples from rock boulders (extraction, cutting, grinding and polishing).

Non-Destructive Test

1. Unit weight (bulk density) of rock.
2. Moisture content and porosity of rock.
3. Pulse velocity (Vp and Vs) and dynamic elastic constants.
4. Determination of elastic dynamic modulus.
5. Tilt Test.

“In-Situ” Testing

1. Dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) Test.
2. Bore-hole video endoscopic survey (up to 40 m length).
3. Bore-hole video endoscopic survey (up to 120 m length).

Destructive Test

1. Unconfined uniaxial compressive test (with and without static moduli).

2. Triaxial confined compressive test (with and without static moduli).

3. Brazilian indirect tensile strength.

4. Direct shear test.

5. Point load test.

6. Slake durability test.

Certification and Certifications